



Fandal's stuff





2024/09/30  September 2024 update

Brand-new games: A-K 256B, Female Pixel, Flappy Space Ship, Mafia.

Brand-new demos and intros: Attractor, Inspection, kitt256, Rolling Tyre, Uncut, Uno.

Brand-new pictures: Ain't Gonna Fly Today, Nezumi, The Sandogasa Ronin Mouse.

Brand-new songs: Captain Future Theme, Highlander Janosik Plays the Trombita, Slow Rewind.

Very special bonus: two rare Czech educational games Zabavna strelnice - anglictina and Zabavna strelnice - francouzstina. Many thanks to Herni historie and Michael Kalous aka Baktra!

2024/08/31  August 2024 update

Brand-new games: Atari Wordle, Atari Wordle PL, Auf Wiedersehen Monty, Firefighter Tobik II, Mupouni, Osotos, Technical Difficulties.

Brand-new demos and intros: Alex Murphy, Beertro, Enjoy the Colors, HalfTone256b, I Spy With My Little Eye, Open Letter, Slightly Chaotic.

Brand-new song: Light Summer Breeze.

2024/07/31  July 2024 update

Brand-new games: SOKO64+, The Ruin of 0ceanus Pr1me.

Brand-new demos and intros: Glisty 256b, Przy jeziorze, Realtime Mirror, Rewind 2.

Brand-new pictures: Flower Head, Hell Rider, I Against I, Mumia, Planet Atari, Speed, The Lost Summoners.

Brand-new songs: Richie Rizz, The Fall of Sky Cross (Nuclear Fire Remix).

News archive

Global Stats:

4992 games
3676 demos

(complete ZIP)

Top dowloads:

Cubico 12590
Lemmings 11252
Mind Blast 10471
HexxagonXE 10183
FreeCellXE 9919
Astro Road 9911
Another World 8127
0 Grad Nord 7762
Jaskiniowiec 7015
Janosik 6640

Who Lost the Wallet? 10783
Sturbon Intro 10557
A Tribute to Quorthon 9452
404 Error 7378
1k Party 6815
Numen 6714
8k-Detro 6350
10 Jahre AMC 6313
500 Proc Intro 6209
3D Homer 6190


  a8.fandal.cz by Dharma, Fanatic and Fandal, 2004