



Fandal's stuff





2025/01/31  January 2025 update

Brand-new games: Centipede Emulator, Chicken miCrossing, DuckHopper, Mieyen, Mystery Isles, Remiza Party, Rogül.

Brand-new intros: AirWolf Series Theme, Anty T-Rex, Fireworks 256b, Grawitacja Scroll 256b, Hyperspace 256b, Kominek 128B, Over the City, The Dynamic of Desire, Wake up, HAL, Walk256b.

Brand-new pictures: Alien Breakfast, Atari Black Magic Witch, Bye by Krystone, Chillout on the Hill, Cosmic Nurse, Fullmoon, It's Full of Stars, Quantum Cat, Radosc o poranku, Ride to Lynx, Run to the Last Party, Shroomland, Shush!!!, Space Rock, Stellar Quest, The Eye.

Brand-new songs: Blinky's Scary Sch00l - Fearsome Remix, Chicken Valley, Crapetto, Draconus 2024, Draconus Music Cover, Pokeytoaster, Sweetly Dreamly Pokey, Swing, Third Gear of War (Heavy Armour), You Are The Machine II - The Rusty Servo Motors.

2025/01/02  December 2024 update

Brand-new games: Atomova katedrala 2024, Avery Breakout, Bubble Bobble, Defense Horizon, DMD Jewlz, Eternal Meteors, Fire Fighter Tobik 3, Jigsaw Mania, pageTriSM, The Atomic Cathedral, Zapeceny vanoce.

Brand-new demos and intros: Christmas Eye Candy, Hot'n'Sexy, New Year 2025, New Year 2025 (Sikor), New Year Pixels, Silly Trip (DRS), SV24WE Invitro, Unleashed.

Brand-new songs: Battle Toads, Blinky's Scary Sch00l 2004, Chinese Dreams, Crystal Lake, Pixelated Heaven, R-Type (HPF Mix).

Some extras for the gamers: full version of Star Vagrant, fully playable version of Triumph and fully playable version of Train Dispatcher.

News archive

Global Stats:

5039 games
3713 demos

(complete ZIP)

Top dowloads:

Cubico 12778
Lemmings 11376
Mind Blast 10628
HexxagonXE 10341
FreeCellXE 10072
Astro Road 10062
Another World 8227
0 Grad Nord 7875
Jaskiniowiec 7127
Janosik 6745

Who Lost the Wallet? 10935
Sturbon Intro 10687
A Tribute to Quorthon 9597
404 Error 7455
1k Party 6898
Numen 6799
8k-Detro 6442
10 Jahre AMC 6415
The Steam Train 6307
500 Proc Intro 6291


  a8.fandal.cz by Dharma, Fanatic and Fandal, 2004